Friday, May 17, 2019

Loving Life

I’ve always been a person who enjoys thinking about the meaning of life. As a student, it was one of my greatest pleasures to spend an evening with one or two close friends holding deep and meaningful conversations, trying to fathom how we could save the world and what exactly was our place in the great scheme of things.

My meditations on the meaning life have probably become less grandiose over the years, but there has never been a time when these big questions ceased to fascinate me. Something that has surprised me, though, is the way aging has made me more aware of how much I love life and how important it is to make the most of every day.

When I was younger, I assumed that it was the best time of my life and it was, indeed, a time full of energy, growth, happiness and challenges. It came with a sense of time being limitless, even though, theoretically, I knew it would come to an end sometime. It was as if I could keep searching and trying things because I had all the time in the world to find exactly the right way to save the world. If I thought about getting older, it was with a sense that the best would be over, I would have done what I had to do and there would be no more glorious striving.

As I’m getting older, I find I think differently. I’m conscious that more of my life is behind me than ahead of me, but what that’s done is make me more aware of how much I love being alive. As the number of moments left to me become fewer and fewer, I love each individual one more and I’m very conscious of the need live each one with care and purpose. I enjoy this! In fact, I’d go so far as to say that, as I age, my interior life gets better and better and I love living more and more.


Karen Rose, OSB                                                                        May 17, 2019


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